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About This Prototype

As a prototype, this website has been developed for the topics Workforce Development and Science Education and for the Northeast and Southeast regions. Only these topics and regions may be accessed at this time.
This prototype was created by TERC for NSF's use.
TERC is an education research and development organization in Cambridge, MA, dedicated to improving STEM teaching and learning.
National Science Foundation
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Bridging Science Research, Education, and Innovation
America-the land of innovation and opportunity-has reached the crossroads represented by today's highly connected, global economy. To boost America's ability to both compete and serve as valued collaborator, the National Science Foundation (NSF) cooperates with the National Governors Association (NGA) and others to integrate NSF's frontier research and education programs with strategic national priorities. These efforts fuel innovation at the national, regional and state levels; improve science, technology, engineering and mathematics education; and develop a workforce with the skills to compete and collaborate in a global enterprise.
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Bridging NSF Science Research, Education, and Innovation, Copyright 2008 TERC.
Funded by NSF #0737174.
Opinions expressed on this site are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the National Science Foundation.

NSF funding for this project ended in 2008. At this time the site has been archived.