Teachers Discover Unexpected Disks Around Interacting Stars
New Spitzer Space Telescope observations of an unusual class of interacting binary stars detected excess amounts of infrared radiation,...
State: Montana, New Jersey, Rhode Island
Topics: Workforce & Economic Development
New Spitzer Space Telescope observations of an unusual class of interacting binary stars detected excess amounts of infrared radiation,...
State: Montana, New Jersey, Rhode Island
Topics: Workforce & Economic Development
Water, Water, Everywhere:
Training for Management of a Crucial Resource
From watershed hydrology to saltwater intrusion monitoring and modeling to numerical modeling of the hydrodynamics in the lower Mississippi...
State: Louisiana, Rhode Island
Topics: Challenges of Our Time, Science & Engineering Education, Workforce & Economic Development
From watershed hydrology to saltwater intrusion monitoring and modeling to numerical modeling of the hydrodynamics in the lower Mississippi...
State: Louisiana, Rhode Island
Topics: Challenges of Our Time, Science & Engineering Education, Workforce & Economic Development