The Math and
Science Partnership (MSP) program engages and challenges mathematics,
science and engineering faculty to create new and interesting roles
by which they can contribute to the work of K-12 science and
mathematics. Duke University’s MSP project, Teachers and
Scientists Collaborating (TASC) partners the university’s Pratt
School of Engineering with eight school districts in North Carolina,
the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and
GlaxoSmithKline. Scientists from universities, government agencies
and industry engage K-8 teachers and students in experiences that
facilitate the acquisition of the “habits of mind†of the
scientist and the ability to think as the scientist thinks:
critically, creatively and independently. The scientists themselves
participate in professional development on the use of inquiry-based
science curricula and in turn work with teachers on
curriculum-specific topics, collaborate on the development of lessons
and contribute to the delivery of on-site professional development
for teachers and to the implementation of challenging units in their
North Carolina school districts, North Carolina Department of Public
Instruction, GlaxoSmithKline