Michael Flynn
Southhampton, MA
2008 Massachusetts Teacher of the Year
Each year the program honors a Massachusetts teacher who exemplifies
fine teaching in the Commonwealth. The purpose of the program is to
select a teacher who is worthy of speaking for and energizing the
teaching profession, and representing the positive contributions of all
teachers statewide. The Massachusetts Teacher of the Year automatically
becomes the state's candidate for the National Teacher of the Year
Michael Flynn teaches second grade at the
William E. Norris Elementary School in Southampton.
He is the proud father of four children and is an
active member of his community. Over the course of
his ten years of teaching, Mike has worked to create
a classroom environment that is enriching and
inclusive. Students in his class engage in authentic
learning experiences throughout the year like
raising salmon to release in a local river or
designing rockets launched by air pressure. The
highlight of Mike's classroom is the television show
his class produces throughout the year. When they
finish a unit of study, the students work in small
groups to develop segments (skits, news reports,
interviews, experiments, etc.) highlighting what
they have learned. The show is then played
throughout the school and shared with families. Mike
has also established himself as a teacher leader by
providing professional development on a wide range
of topics including video production in the
classroom, mathematics, and digital story telling.
As a workshop leader for the math curriuculum
Investigations in Number, Data, and Space, Mike
travels throughout the country leading weeklong
workshops during the summer. Mike has contributed
ideas, suggestions, and written material that have
been incorporated into the second edition of
Investigations in Number Data, and Space as well as
two Developing Mathematical Ideas modules: Patterns,
Functions, and Change and Reasoning Algebraically
About Operations. He is currently a contributing
author to an edited collection and DVD set about
mathematics instruction in inclusive classrooms to
be published by Heinemann in 2009. As an active
member of his community, Mike serves as a school
committee member and recreation commissioner for the
city of Northampton. He is also a board member for
the Northampton Education Foundation, a nonprofit
organization that raises money and awards grants to
teachers in the Northampton Public Schools.