Kenneth Huff
K-6 Science
Blasdell, NY
2006 Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching
Each year the President of the U.S. recognizes outstanding K-12 science
and math teachers throughout the country. One math and one science
educator is chosen from each state who exemplifies deep content
knowledge combined with the ability to motivate students in science and
Students in Kenneth Huff’s class always enjoy his unit on dry ice investigations. “This lesson is a student favorite because they get to use dry ice to observe changes of properties in matter,” explained Huff. He focuses on guiding student inquiry by giving his class activities that motivate them to learn science and develop their own inquiry abilities. Also, he requires his students to keep a science notebook, which helps to improve literacy skills and develop an understanding of the concepts and processes of science.
I work to provide my students with challenging learning experiences that draw on their natural human inquisitiveness. Also, I try to create lesson plans that make science and discovery ‘cool’ and exciting for my students so that they will want to learn more.