The National
Science Foundation’s (NSF) Division of Ocean Science provided
funding for outreach programs, called EXTREME 2000 and EXTREME 2001
and EXTREME 2002, that involved middle and high school students in
oceanographic research cruises. Cary and University of Delaware staff
developed curricula for middle and high school students that were
organized around Deep Submergence Vehicle (DSV)
ALVIN dives in
the Guaymas Basin (October 2000) and the East Pacific Ridge at 9°
North (October 2001 and October 2002). Students followed the
activities and adventures of the scientists and crew for about a week
during the cruises and DSV
ALVIN dives. Curriculum materials
developed include color printed educational guides for students,
curriculum guides for teachers, a video produced by WHYY public TV
describing the cruise activities, an award-winning Website
(2002) and (2003)), and evaluation methods. A number of schools were
able to participate directly via a conference call from the
classrooms to DSV
ALVIN while it was on the seafloor. The
conference calls had to be limited to 10 schools per day and required
that DSV
ALVIN remain stationary on the seafloor for about 1.5
hours during the call.
Interest in the program has grown
tremendously each year. In 2000, approximately 10 classes
participated in the conference call, about 40 schools requested the
curriculum materials and the Website received exceptional media
attention that led to radio and TV interviews of Cary. In 2001, 40
schools participated in the conference call, over 130 schools
requested the curriculum materials and the Website received numerous
Web-related awards. In 2002, Cary anticipated interest from about 200
schools (both United States and international), but by the time the
registration period was closed over 500 schools had signed on for the
program. The program eventually reached over 42,000 students in 2002.