The Enhancing
Diversity in Graduate Education (EDGE) program, jointly funded by
the National Science Foundation and the Andrew W. Mellon
Foundation, was designed to strengthen the ability of women and
minority students to successfully complete graduate programs in the
mathematical sciences. The summer program consisted of two core
courses in analysis and algebra/linear algebra. There were
also minicourses in vital areas of mathematical research in pure
and applied mathematics, short-term visitors from academia and
industry, guest lectures, graduate student mentors, and problem
sessions. In addition, a follow-up mentoring program and support
network was established with the participants' respective graduate
in the program were women who were
seniors who have applied to graduate programs in the mathematical
recipients of undergraduate degrees entering graduate programs, or
graduate students.
applicants were to have completed standard junior-senior level
undergraduate courses in analysis and abstract algebra and a
desire to earn a doctorate degree. Women from minority groups who fit
one of the above three categories were especially encouraged to
apply. Final acceptance to the program was contingent upon
acceptance to a graduate program in the mathematical sciences.
EDGE program has supported ninety-one women, at least half of whom
are from underrepresented minority groups. Current data show that
EDGE participants were from diverse racial (49 percent
underrepresented minorities) and educational (44 percent liberal
arts) backgrounds. Furthermore, they took a variety of paths through
their graduate programs. 89 percent of the participants have either
obtained a graduate degree or are pursuing their Ph.D. graduate
programs. The success of the summer sessions, along with the rate of
student achievement has sparked a growing interest among students,
faculty, and institutions. The applicant pool increased by 68 percent
over three years.
the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation