from Boston University (BU) and the University of New Mexico
(UNM) are jointly developing a novel introductory-level
course that aims to attract Native American students to the field
of computing. The course combines Native American pedagogy,
culture, and visual aesthetics with an introduction to
computational applications (digital media, virtual reality, and
3D animation), and computer science concepts. The course is
listed in the computer science and Native American studies
departments at the University of New Mexico. The course
employs a high-technology, computer-rich environment that
includes virtual environment technologies, BU's stereoscopic
Deep Vision Display (DVD) Wall, which allows for high resolution
three dimensional displays, and the Access Grid, which provides
advanced video conferencing facilities using large displays and
multiple cameras. Much of the technical content of the
course is taught to the University of New Mexico students by
researchers at Boston University using
the video-conferencing facilities.
year, students used the DVD Wall to create a virtual
environment inspired by a field trip to Chaco Canyon National
Historical Park in New Mexico, which was a major center of
Pueblan culture between AD 850 and 1250. Their virtual
design reflects the geometry and symbolism of the artifacts
they had seen. Visitors can enter the virtual environment
from remote locations, move around the environment, hear sounds,
and manipulate its elements. The environment is a
shared space so multiple visitors can be present and
can interact with each other through avatars or virtual
online bodies. Virtual environments like this are appealing
to many students as they provide for cultural
self-expression while conveying complex computing concepts.
Such an approach can be used in any
cultural context and, thus, can easily be adapted to
engage students from many underrepresented groups.
University of New Mexico